Terjadinya Over Flow pada Fuel Oil Purifier di MV. IRIANA
Fuel Oil Purifier, Overflow, Maintenance, Operational Procedures, Fuel Quality, ShipAbstract
This study investigates the causes of an overflow incident in a fuel oil purifier aboard the MV. Iriana. A case study methodology was employed to analyze operational data, inspection findings, and crew interviews. The results indicate that the overflow was caused by a combination of factors, including inadequate maintenance leading to the accumulation of sludge on purifier components, operational errors, particularly in fuel heating temperature control, and poor fuel quality. The analysis revealed that damage to the bowl, disc, and seal due to sludge buildup, coupled with incorrect operating procedures, were the primary causes of the overflow. To address these issues, it is recommended to conduct thorough cleaning of all purifier components, replace damaged parts, improve operational procedures, and implement a regular preventive maintenance schedule. Furthermore, it is crucial for ship operators to adhere to standard operating procedures (SOP) and monitor the purifier's condition regularly. Additionally, the quality of the fuel used should be closely monitored to minimize the risk of future overflow incidents. By implementing these recommendations, it is expected that the purifier's performance will be enhanced, maintenance costs will be reduced, and overall ship operations will be improved.
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