Optimalisasi Perawatan Sea Water Cooling Pump Guna Kelancaran Sistem Pendingin pada Auxiliary Engine di MV. Tanto Bersama
Sea Water Cooling Pump, Cooling System, MaintenanceAbstract
Sea water cooling pump is an auxiliary machinery on board which is used to move sea water from one place to another place. The optimal performance of the sea water cooling pump is very important for the operation of the ship's engine, if there is damage in the cooling system it will disrupt the smooth operation of the ship. As happened when the ship was anchored in Jakarta, the sea water cooling pump on the generator did not work optimally, namely experiencing a decrease in pressure so that the supply of seawater to cool the lo cooler and intercooler in the generator did not match the required capacity. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explain the factors that cause the pump performance is not optimal, analyze the impact that will occur, and provide relevant efforts related to the obstacles faced. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Where observations are made by conceptually understanding the subject of research in the form of non-optimal seawater cooling pump maintenance. The results of this study are to describe the factors that cause the performance of the pump to be not optimal, such as the erosion of the pump impeller, and bearings that have worn out because they have passed the predetermined running hours. Based on these factors, efforts that can be made renewed for eroded impellers, and for worn bearings and routinely grease the bearings. And can make a maintenance schedule in accordance PMS (Planned maintenance system) in accordance with the instruction manual book.
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