Prosedur Pelayanan Penerbitan Buku Pelaut Online Di Kantor Kesyahbandaran Dan Otoritas Pelabuhan Utama Makassar.
Seaman's Book, Service, Issuance, System, HarbormasterAbstract
Makassar Main Harbor and Port Authority Office as an institution in charge of providing services related to shipping safety in its area. The issuance of seaman's books using online technology certainly facilitates and expedites online seaman's book issuance activities. The purpose of this research is to find out the service process for issuing online seaman's books, analyze the obstacles that occur in the service system for issuing online seaman's books and find out solutions in overcoming problems that occur in the service system for issuing online seaman's books at the Makassar Main Port Authority and Port Authority Office. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. This research identifies several obstacles faced such as, system damage or unstable networks that can interfere with seaman's book issuance services and the lack of active role of service users in completing the required documents and billing code payments. To overcome this, the online seaman's book issuance service officer at the Makassar Main Port Authority and Harbor Authority Office issued the seaman's book manually, if the system can be used again, the seaman's book will be online through the system.
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