Optimalisasi Pengadaan Sparepart Kapal Berbasis Digital Pada PT Pertamina International Shipping
Spareparts procurement, Det Norske Veritas, Planned Maintenance SystemAbstract
To ensure that the ship continues to operate optimally, a very mature spare parts procurement plan is needed, because if the procurement of ship spare parts can be carried out optimally and on time, the process will be directly proportional to the ship maintenance process itself. Along with technological developments, especially in the field of information technology, which continues to grow rapidly, the business world is required to compete competitively. Information technology plays an important role, because information is needed by all parties, both individuals and organizations or companies. This study aims to determine whether the application of digital-based spare parts procurement can increase the efficiency of spare parts procurement requests at PT Pertamina International Shipping. From the results of observations obtained that the application of digital-based spare parts procurement Via DNV is very effective for use in the process of procuring spare parts for ships owned by Pertamina International Shipping, because the use of the DNV application can be used in two directions, namely from the ship or with the management office so that it can optimize the spare parts procurement process. With the many features provided by the DNV application, it is very helpful in terms of ship spare parts procurement, such as in terms of making action plans which can be done directly through the DNV application, besides that the recapitulation of the ship's spare parts procurement request is directly stored and becomes a ship database in DNV, so that it can be used as monitoring & planning data for office management for further ship spare parts procurement. However, there is still a need for special attention in terms of adding ship spare parts to DNV's catalog and regular socialization to support the smooth procurement process of spare parts on ships through the DNV application.
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