Peran Deck Planned Maintenance System (PMS) dalam Keselamatan Berlayar


  • Mega Dwi Oktiani Politeknik Pelayaran Sulawesi Utara
  • Stevian G. A. Rakka Politeknik Pelayaran Sulawesi Utara
  • Santun Irawan Politeknik Pelayaran Sulawesi Utara
  • Azhar Ariansyah Anshar Politeknik Pelayaran Sulawesi Utara
  • Ferdinan Ferdinan Politeknik Pelayaran Sulawesi Utara


maritime, maintenance, safety


Safety is mandatory aspect that must be considered in maritime transportation, the result of an incident or ship accident due to negligence in safety aspects will have a big impact on several aspects, namely the ship itself, the environment, industry, human life, and also other shipping activities. Sea conditions that are not easy to predict mean that all components in the voyage, such as the captain, crew, and the ship itself need to be ready for any conditions during the voyage. In order to support the safety and operation of ships, of course, ship safety equipment must be supported by good maintenance supported by a maintenance planning system or what is usually called a Planned Maintenance System (PMS) on each ship. Planned Maintenance System (PMS) is a paper and software-based system that allows ship owners or operators to carry out ship maintenance within a certain period of time based on the requirements of the manufacturer and ship classification bureau. Ship maintenance and maintenance are very important to maintain the condition of the ship so that it is seaworthy, increase ship productivity and extend the service life of the ship, which ultimately aims at nothing other than ship safety


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How to Cite

Mega Dwi Oktiani, Stevian G. A. Rakka, Santun Irawan, Azhar Ariansyah Anshar, & Ferdinan Ferdinan. (2024). Peran Deck Planned Maintenance System (PMS) dalam Keselamatan Berlayar. Journal of Nautical Science and Technology, 1(4), 55–63. Retrieved from

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