Studi Meningkatnya Jumlah Penumpang Kapal Cepat Pra Dan Pasca Nataru 2019/2020 Di Pelabuhan Penumpang Kelas III Manado


  • Abu Abu Bakar Poltekpel Sulut



Passenger, Terminal, Nataru


Manado Harbor is a regular port for ships heading to the archipelagic areas in Prov. North Sulawesi and the island of Ternate, the port development program is directed at the development of facilities, this is evidenced by the plan to develop a port terminal, especially the passenger terminal at the Manado port with various basic and supporting facilities that are planned to be built, with the existence of a port terminal, especially during the NATARU period (Natal dan Tahun Baru) both pre and post are not monitored and not well coordinated and port facilities do not meet standards, this has resulted in a surge in passengers on each ship which of course has violated the rules and can result in accidents and endanger the lives of the passengers themselves. Therefore, the researcher raised the title of the study as listed above in order to find out how the condition of the infrastructure and services of the Manado passenger port affects excess passengers on fast passenger ships departing from Manado Harbor at NATARU 2019/2020


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Instruksi Menteri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia Nomor IM 9 Tahun 2019 Tentang Monitoring Penyelenggaraan Angkutan Natal 2019 dan Tahun Baru 2020, tanggal 16 Desember 2019

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How to Cite

Abu Bakar, A. (2024). Studi Meningkatnya Jumlah Penumpang Kapal Cepat Pra Dan Pasca Nataru 2019/2020 Di Pelabuhan Penumpang Kelas III Manado. Kalao’s Maritime Journal, 2(2), 49–61.