Prototype of Microcontroller-Based Oil Viscosity Measuring Instrument Using Flow Meter Sensor
Flow Meter, Microcontroller, Oil, ViscosityAbstract
Viscosity is a fluid property that causes friction between fluid-forming molecules and the fluid cohesion force. Viscosity is also a measure of the thickness of a fluid which states the size of friction in the fluid, the size of the viscosity we can see from the ability of the fluid to flow, the greater the viscosity of a fluid it will be more difficult the fluid to flow. Oilis one of the fluids used as oil, where oil viscosity is very important to learn to find out if this oil can still work well. Measurements are made by measuring the speed of oil flow on a horizontal pipe using a flow meter sensor that has been placed on the pipe and the oil will flow using a pump. The oil flow velocity in the measurement will be converted into a form of oil viscosity to be measured. In this experiment the measurement results obtained for each oil such as SAE 10W-40 Oil by 0.170655208 Nm / s2 with an error of 6.4%, SAE 15W-40 Oil by 0.203941381 Nm / s2 with an error of 11.2%., and SAE 20W -50 Oil of 0.218243364 with an error of 14.8%.
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