Upaya Mengatasi Keterlambatan Bongkar Muat di Kapal MV. Ayer Mas
Port, loading and unloading, MV. Ayer MasAbstract
This research discusses efforts to overcome loading and unloading delays on MV. Ayer Mas, which frequently occur at Nunukan Port. These delays negatively impact operational efficiency and cause losses for the company. The purpose of this research is to identify the factors causing the delays and propose solutions to improve the efficiency of the loading and unloading process. Through interviews with various stakeholders, it was found that delays often occur due to disruptions in the port's operational system and the prioritization of service for other vessels. Additionally, inaccuracies in estimating the arrival and departure times of ships also contribute to the delays. The proposed solutions include implementing a smarter and more efficient work system, improving coordination among related parties, and enforcing discipline in ship scheduling. It is hoped that these findings can enhance efficiency, reliability of port services, and reduce congestion and inefficiencies on the ship and at the port. The results of this research provide practical contributions to port managers and shipping companies in improving operational performance and reducing costs arising from delays.
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