Kalao’s Maritime Journal
Kalao’s Maritime Journal, dengan E-ISSN : 3047-8383, P-ISSN : 2776-2718, Kalao’s maritime journal adalah jurnal berkala yang diterbitkan Politeknik Pelayaran Sulawesi Utara yang memfasilitasi para peneliti untuk berdiskusi, mengejar dan mempromosikan pengetahuan di bidang-bidang yang muncul dan berkembang dalam studi ilmu kemaritiman. Menyambut baik kiriman yang memberikan wawasan tentang masalah terkini dan utama yang berhubungan tentang kenautikaan, permesinan kapal, kepelabuhanan, manajemen transportasi laut, keselamatan transportasi, teknologi transportasi laut, lingkungan maritim, pendidikan kemaritiman, hukum maritim, dan bahasa inggris maritim. Artikel bisa ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris atau bahasa Indonesia, dan Jurnal ini terbit 1 tahun 2 kali (Juli dan Desember).
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Seminar Nasional Inovasi Pendidikan Maritim
Inovasi Teknologi Pada Pendidikan Vokasi Kemaritiman Untuk Menciptakan SDM Pelaut Nasional Berdaya Saing Global
International Journal of Maritime Studies and Management
- Journal Title : International Journal of Maritime Studies and Management
- Initials : ijmsm
- Frequency : January, April, July, and October
- Editor in Chief : Dr. Capt. Arika Palapa, M.Si., M.Mar
- Publisher : Politeknik Pelayaran Sulawesi Utara
International Journal of Maritime Studies and Management, This journal is intended for the publication of scientific articles published by Politeknik Pelayaran Sulawesi Utara. This journal offers in-depth analysis of maritime industry management and studies. Its main focus includes port operational efficiency, technological innovation, environmental regulation, and supply chain management. With contributions from academics and practitioners, the journal aims to provide insights and practical solutions to advance the maritime sector globally. Artikel bisa ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris atau bahasa Indonesia, dan Jurnal ini terbit 1 tahun 4 kali (January, April, July, and October).
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Marine Transport Management and Logistics Journal
- Journal Title : Marine Transport Management and Logistics Journal
- Initials : Transport
- Frequency : March, June, September, and December
- Editor in Chief : Dr. Capt. Arika Palapa, M.Si., M.Mar
- Publisher : Politeknik Pelayaran Sulawesi Utara
Marine Transport Management and Logistics Journal, is a journal that reviews marine transportation management and logistics, including vessel operations, supply chain, security, regulation, and environmental impacts. It offers the latest insights on best practices, technologies and global trends in the maritime industry, as well as solutions to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the marine transportation sector. Articles can be written in English or Indonesian, and this Journal is published 1 year 4 times (March, June, September, and December).
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Journal of Nautical Science and Technology
- Journal Title : Journal of Nautical Science and Technology
- Initials : Nautical
- Frequency : February, May, August, and November
- Editor in Chief : Dr. Capt. Arika Palapa, M.Si., M.Mar
- Publisher : Politeknik Pelayaran Sulawesi Utara
Journal of Nautical Science and Technology, is a journal that discusses advances in science and technology in the field of nautics. Its main focus includes navigation, ship design, maritime communication systems, and technical innovations. The journal presents the latest research and practical solutions to improve safety, efficiency and sustainability in the shipping industry. Articles can be written in English or Indonesian, and this Journal is published 1 year 4 times (February, May, August, and November).
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Journal of Marine Engineering Research
Journal of Marine Engineering Research, is an academic journal that focuses on research and innovation in maritime mechanical engineering. The journal covers various aspects of ship machinery engineering, including the design, operation, maintenance, and efficiency of propulsion systems and main engines. Articles in the journal involve the study of the latest technologies, solutions to engineering challenges, and the development of new methods that improve the performance and sustainability of ship engines. With contributions from researchers and industry professionals, the journal aims to advance maritime mechanical engineering knowledge and support innovation in the shipping sector. Articles can be written in English or Indonesian, and this Journal is published 1 year 4 times (January, April, july, dan october).
Manguni : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Majemuk dan Mandiri
- Journal Title : Manguni : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Majemuk dan Mandiri
- Initials : Manguni
- Frequency : -
- Editor in Chief : Dr. Capt. Arika Palapa, M.Si., M.Mar
- Publisher : Politeknik Pelayaran Sulawesi Utara
Manguni : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Majemuk dan Mandiri, dengan E-ISSN : XXXX-XXXX, P-ISSN : XXXX-XXXX, is an academic journal that focuses on community service research and practice with an inclusive and self-directed approach. The journal presents articles on projects and initiatives that engage communities with diverse cultural and social backgrounds, as well as strategies to empower communities in a sustainable manner. With contributions from academics, practitioners, and community developers, Manguni aims to enhance the understanding and application of effective community service models in multicultural and self-reliant contexts. Articles can be written in English or Indonesian, and this Journal is published 1 year X times (Name of Month).
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